Wednesday, December 2, 2009


As the end of the semester approaches, I must say although a bumpy ride it has been meaningful and worthwhile. A great deal of the information that I have gathered through my courses at CSUMB have shaped me into the person I am and have made me become a more effective teacher. I am grateful to my professors and classmates for making this a memorable experience. As the end of the year approaches, there is a lot to do, finish courses at CSUMB and prepare my students for finals. Therefore, this means lots of grading. The technology project that I have used in my excel course (Comp App 121) has been a huge success. I am glad that I was able to present a project that would keep my students interested and engaged. As I have read many times before from many dignified scholars in order to make students interested in the curriculum you must make it pertinent to their lives. I honestly could not agree more I have noticed a great deal of change in my student’s attitude and motivation towards school. This project has really helped my students understand the importance of taking initiative in their academic lives and wanting to excel in all of their courses. Without a doubt this project of grade distribution that was created will be used in my future excel courses. It is important that I present the courses I teach in a manner that is relatable and meaningful to my student’s lives. I know that if curriculum is introduced utilizing this approach, my students learn and grow and I do to as a teacher and as a human being. I wish all of you success in you courses at CSUMB and in your own teaching; I hope you are effecting positive change among your students.


  1. I enjoyed your presentation on Friday of your tech project. Your idea of the grade distribution is a great one. So many students, especially those just out of high school, wander through their learning thinking the teacher just "assigns" grades. They don't monitor their grades or themselves. Teaching them how to do this is a skill they can use everyday. My son, when he was in college, had an Excel program he created to keep track of his grades because he had a tendency to fail the finals. So, he would predict what he had to earn to pass with a C or better. Smart students stay on top of their games.

    Jacci, thank you for your moral support during this class. I will always remember your kindness, plus the fun we had with the iMovies.

  2. There are so many different things you can do with Excel, so I am happy to see that you have passed these skills on to your students. You have provided them with a tool that will assist with self monitoring, which is extremely important for students of all ages. Keep working hard and keep being dedicated to all of your students.
